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The FA501 500 Watt FusionAmp is a DSP controlled plate amplifier. It can be the basis of a powerful active subwoofer or an active one-way monitor.
The FA253 2x250 +100 Watt FusionAmp is a DSP controlled three channel plate amplifier. It can be the basis of a powerful active two- or three-way speaker.
The FA252 2x250 Watt FusionAmp is a DSP controlled two channel plate amplifier. It can be the basis of a two-way active speaker or an active subwoofer.
The FA251 250 Watt FusionAmp is a DSP controlled plate amplifier. It can be the basis of a powerful active subwoofer or an active one-way monitor.
The FA123 2x125 +100 Watt FusionAmp is a DSP controlled three channel plate amplifier. It can be the basis of a powerful active two- or three-way speaker.
The FA122 2x125 Watt FusionAmp is a DSP controlled two channel plate amplifier. It can be the basis of a two-way active speaker or an active subwoofer.
The UcD2k amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier from Hypex. The UcD2k is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD2k comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
The UcD700HG HxR amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier, with HxR upgrade from Hypex. This amplifier is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD700HG HxR comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
The UcD400HG HxR amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier, with HxR upgrade from Hypex. This amplifier is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD400HG HxR comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
The UcD180HG HxR amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier, with HxR upgrade from Hypex. This amplifier is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD180HG hxR comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
Build your own high-quality class D amplifier based on the Ncore technology from Hypex. The NC400 monoblock kit is probably the best and most easy way to get a high-end HiFi system in your living room.
The NC400 amplifier module is an extremely high-quality class D power amplifier module based on NCore technology from Hypex.
The UcD2k amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier from Hypex. The UcD2k is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD2k comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
The UcD700HG HxR amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier, with HxR upgrade from Hypex. This amplifier is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD700HG HxR comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
The UcD400HG HxR amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier, with HxR upgrade from Hypex. This amplifier is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD400HG HxR comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
The UcD180HG HxR amplifier module is an entry level high-end class D amplifier, with HxR upgrade from Hypex. This amplifier is known for its high performance, reliability and ease of use. The UcD180HG hxR comes with the required UcD Signal Cable.
The NC400 amplifier module is an extremely high-quality class D power amplifier module based on NCore technology from Hypex.
50cm balanced signal cable with 4-pin connectors on both sides to connect the DLCP to the UcD modules.
50cm balanced signal cable with 4-pin connectors on both sides to connect the DLCP to the NC400 module.
The Hypex DIY Monoblock Case is an aluminum case with predrilled holes for the NC400 or UcD700HG amplifier modules and their respective supplies.
The SMPS1200A400 onto 2x NC400 Connection kit is designed for easy connection between one SMPS1200A400 and two NC400 modules.
The Fusion Remote Kit is suitable for extending all FusionAmp models with remote compatibility.
The Hypex Remote Control is a remote controller which can be used in combination with the Fusion Amp remote kit.
The HPR12 is a 12V voltage regulator. Together with the HNR12 it forms the optional HxR upgrade for UcD180HG and Ucd400HG.